Ethereum Generate Private Key From Mnemonic

2 min read

MyEtherWallet does not manage accounts with information such as passwords, private keys, or emails. In order to ensure your security and privacy, no sensitive data is ever saved, stored, or transmitted when you use MyEtherWallet. We only have access to the information that is publicly available on the blockchain. We do not have servers and we do not hold your assets.

Only users themselves can access and control their funds – this is the purpose of decentralized networks. Your funds are stored on the Ethereum blockchain itself, and we are simply an interface that allows you to easily interact with them. Passwords and private keys are in the users’ hands and are the users’ responsibility.

Apr 02, 2019  Ian’s mnemonic code key generator allows you to base on a 3 to 24 words mnemonic to generate your wallet’s address and private keys.

  • How do I turn a Private Key into a Mnemonic Phrase? I bought some ether yesterday, and linked my private key to MyEtherWallet offline, I want to know if there is some way to get my seed out of a private key, I don't know if there is a way, and having the seed would be more convenient.
  • If you wanted to create a mnemonic for backup with a custom algorithm you can use the BIP39 word list, which has 2048 words, and manually map bits of your private key to the corresponding word. 2048 equals 2^11 so you need to split up the 256 bits of your private key into 11-bit segments with padding/checksum added to make it a multiple of 11.

Unfortunately, this means we cannot:

  • Recover your private key
  • Access your account
  • Recover or reset your password
  • Reverse or cancel transactions
  • Recover your account
  • Send your ETH or Tokens from one address to another

There may be a chance that you saved your Keystore/JSON file without realizing it. We recommend:

  • Do a full search of your computer for ‘UTC–’ and see if the file shows up.
  • Do a full search of your computer for your address, without the 0x at the beginning.
  • If you know when you created it, look through all files during that time period for any documents or screenshots.
  • Generate a new wallet via our interface and take a look at the different options you may have downloaded or saved. Sometimes backtracking can help jog your memory.

In the future, we strongly recommend you use our fully fledged mobile app MEW wallet, or purchase a hardware wallet for higher security. If you must use a private key, print out a paper version of your wallet, keep it in multiple physical locations, and only use it with an offline version of MEW.

You can read more about how to safely back up your wallet here.

-->Ethereum Generate Private Key From Mnemonic

Use the Ethereum Blockchain connector with Azure Logic Apps to perform smart contract actions and respond to smart contract events. For example, let's say you want to create a REST-based microservice that returns information from a blockchain ledger. By using a logic app, you can accept HTTP requests that query information stored in a blockchain ledger.


Complete the optional prerequisite Quickstart: Use Visual Studio Code to connect to an Azure Blockchain Service consortium network. The quickstart guides you though installing Azure Blockchain Development Kit for Ethereum and setting up your blockchain development environment.

Create a logic app

Azure Logic Apps helps you schedule and automate business processes and workflows when you need to integrate systems and services. First, you create a logic that uses the Ethereum Blockchain connector.

  1. In the Azure portal, select Create a resource > Integration > Logic App.

  2. Under Create logic app, provide details on where to create your logic app. After you're done, select Create.

    For more information on creating logic apps, see Create automated workflows with Azure Logic Apps.

  3. After Azure deploys your app, select your logic app resource.

  4. In the Logic Apps Designer, under Templates, select Blank Logic App.

Every logic app must start with a trigger, which fires when a specific event happens or when a specific condition is met. Each time the trigger fires, the Logic Apps engine creates a logic app instance that starts and runs your workflow.

The Ethereum Blockchain connector has one trigger and several actions. Which trigger or action you use depends on your scenario.

If your workflow:

  • Triggers when an event occurs on the blockchain, Use the event trigger.
  • Queries or deploys a smart contract, Use actions.
  • Follows a common scenario, Generate a workflow by using the developer kit.

Use the event trigger

Use Ethereum Blockchain event triggers when you want a logic app to run after a smart contract event occurs. For example, you want to send an email when a smart contract function is called.

  1. In the Logic Apps Designer, select the Ethereum Blockchain connector.

  2. From the Triggers tab, select When a smart contract event occurs.

  3. Change or create an API connection to Azure Blockchain Service.

  4. Enter the details about the smart contract that you want to check for events.

    Contract ABIThe contract application binary interface (ABI) defines the smart contract interfaces. For more information, see Get the contract ABI.
    Smart contract addressThe contract address is the smart contract destination address on the Ethereum blockchain. For more information, see Get the contract address.
    Event nameSelect a smart contract event to check. The event triggers the logic app.
    Interval and FrequencySelect how often you want to check for the event.
  5. Select Save.

To complete your logic app, you can add a new step that performs an action based on the Ethereum Blockchain event trigger. For example, send an email.

Use actions

Use the Ethereum Blockchain actions when you want a logic app to perform an action on the blockchain ledger. For example, you want to create a REST-based microservice that calls a smart contract function when an HTTP request is made to a logic app.

Connector actions require a trigger. You can use an Ethereum Blockchain connector action as the next step after a trigger, such as an HTTP request trigger for a microservice.

  1. In the Logic Apps Designer, select New step following a trigger.

  2. Select the Ethereum Blockchain connector.

  3. From the Actions tab, select one of the available actions.

  4. Change or create an API connection to Azure Blockchain Service.

  5. Depending on the action you chose, provide the following details about your smart contract function.

    Contract ABIThe contract ABI defines the smart contract interfaces. For more information, see Get the contract ABI.
    Contract bytecodeThe compiled smart contract bytecode. For more information, see Get the contract bytecode.
    Smart contract addressThe contract address is the smart contract destination address on the Ethereum blockchain. For more information, see Get the contract address.
    Smart contract function nameSelect the smart contract function name for the action. The list is populated from the details in the contract ABI.

    After selecting a smart contract function name, you might see required fields for function parameters. Enter the values or dynamic content required for your scenario.

You can now use your logic app. When the logic app event is triggered, the Ethereum Blockchain action runs. For example, an HTTP request trigger runs an Ethereum blockchain action to query a smart contract state value. This query results in an HTTP response that returns the value.

Generate a workflow

The Azure Blockchain Development Kit for Ethereum Visual Studio Code extension can generate logic app workflows for common scenarios. Four scenarios are available:

  • Data publishing to an Azure SQL Database instance
  • Event publishing to an instance of Azure Event Grid or Azure Service Bus
  • Report publishing
  • REST-based microservice

The Azure Blockchain Development Kit uses Truffle to simplify blockchain development. To generate a logic app based on a smart contract, you need a Truffle solution for the smart contract. You also need a connection to your Azure Blockchain Service consortium network. For more information, see Use Visual Studio Code to connect to an Azure Blockchain Service consortium network quickstart.

For example, the following steps generate a REST-based microservice logic app based on the quickstart HelloBlockchain smart contract:

  1. In the Visual Studio Code explorer sidebar, expand the contracts folder in your solution.

  2. Right-click HelloBlockchain.sol and select Generate Microservices for Smart Contracts from the menu.

  3. In the command palette, select Logic App.

  4. Enter the contract address. For more information, see Get the contract address.

  5. Select the Azure subscription and resource group for the logic app.

    The logic app configuration and code files are generated in the generatedLogicApp directory.

  6. View the generatedLogicApp/HelloBlockchain directory. There's a logic app JSON file for each smart contract function, event, and property.

  7. Open the generatedLogicApp/HelloBlockchain/Service/property.RequestMessage.logicapp.json file and copy the contents.

  8. In your logic app, select Logic app code view. Replace the existing JSON with the generated logic app JSON.

  9. Select Designer to switch to the designer view.

  10. The logic app includes the basic steps for the scenario. However, you need to update the configuration details for the Ethereum Blockchain connector.

  11. Select the Connections step and change or create an API connection to Azure Blockchain Service.

  12. You can now use your logic app. To test the REST-based microservice, issue an HTTP POST request to the logic app request URL. Copy the HTTP POST URL contents from the When a HTTP request is received step.

  13. Use cURL to create an HTTP POST request. Replace the placeholder text <HTTP POST URL> with the URL from the previous step.

    The cURL command returns a response from the logic app. In this case, the response is the output from the RequestMessage smart contract function.

For more information about using the development kit, see the Azure Blockchain Development Kit for Ethereum wiki page.

Create an API connection

An API connection to a blockchain is required for the Ethereum Blockchain connector. You can use the API connector for multiple logic apps. Some properties are required and others depend on your scenario.


A private key or account address and password are required for creating transactions on a blockchain. Only one form of authentication is needed. You don't need to provide both the private key and account details. Querying contracts does not require a transaction. If you are using actions that query contract state, the private key or account address and password are not required.

To help you set up a connection to an Azure Blockchain Service member, the following list has possible properties you might need depending on your scenario.

Private Key Definition

Connection nameName of the API connection. Required.
Ethereum RPC endpointHTTP address of the Azure Blockchain Service transaction node. Required. For more information, see Get the RPC endpoint.
Private keyEthereum account private key. Private key or account address and password are required for transactions. For more information, see Get the private key.
Account addressAzure Blockchain Service member account address. Private key or account address and password are required for transactions. For more information, see Get the account address.
Account passwordThe account password is set when you create the member. For information on resetting the password, see Ethereum account.

Get the RPC endpoint

The Azure Blockchain Service RPC endpoint address is required to connect to a blockchain network. You can get the endpoint address by using the Azure Blockchain Development Kit for Ethereum or the Azure portal.

Ethereum Generate Private Key From Mnemonic System

To use the development kit:

  1. Under Azure Blockchain Service in Visual Studio Code, right-click the consortium.

  2. Select Copy RPC Endpoint Address.

    The RPC endpoint is copied to your clipboard.

To use the Azure portal:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

  2. Go to your Azure Blockchain Service member. Select Transaction nodes and the default transaction node link.

  3. Select Connection strings > Access keys.

  4. Copy the endpoint address from HTTPS (Access key 1) or HTTPS (Access key 2).

    The RPC endpoint is the HTTPS URL, which includes the address and access key of your Azure Blockchain Service member transaction node.

Get the private key

You can use the Ethereum account's private key to authenticate when sending a transaction to the blockchain. Your Ethereum account's public and private keys are generated from a 12-word mnemonic. The Azure Blockchain Development Kit for Ethereum generates a mnemonic when you connect to an Azure Blockchain Service consortium member. You can get the endpoint address by using the development kit extension.

  1. In Visual Studio Code, open the command palette (F1).

  2. Select Azure Blockchain: Retrieve private key.

  3. Select the mnemonic you saved when connecting to the consortium member.

    The private key is copied to your clipboard.

Ethereum Generate Private Key From Mnemonic System

Get the account address

You can use the member account and password to authenticate when you send a transaction to the blockchain. The password is set when you create the member.

  1. In the Azure portal, go to your Azure Blockchain Service overview page.

  2. Copy the Member account address.

For more information on the account address and password, see Ethereum account.

Ethereum Generate Private Key From Mnemonic Generator

Get the contract ABI

The contract ABI defines the smart contract interfaces. It describes how to interact with the smart contract. You can get the contract ABI by using the Azure Blockchain Development Kit for Ethereum. You can also get it from the contract metadata file created by the Solidity compiler.

To use the development kit:

If you used the development kit or Truffle to build your smart contract, you can use the extension to copy the contract ABI to the clipboard.

  1. In the Visual Studio Code explorer pane, expand the build/contracts folder of your Solidity project.

  2. Right-click the contract metadata JSON file. The file name is the smart contract name followed by the .json extension.

  3. Select Copy Contract ABI.

    The contract ABI is copied to the clipboard.

To use the contract metadata file:

  1. Open the contract metadata file contained in the build/contracts folder of your Solidity project. The file name is the smart contract name followed by the .json extension.

  2. Find the abi section in the JSON file.

  3. Copy the abi JSON array.

Ethereum Private Network

Get the contract bytecode

The contract bytecode is the compiled smart contract executed by the Ethereum virtual machine. You can get the contract bytecode by using the Azure Blockchain Development Kit for Ethereum. You can also get it from the Solidity compiler.

To use the development kit:

If you used the development kit or Truffle to build your smart contract, you can use the extension to copy the contract bytecode to the clipboard.

  1. In the Visual Studio Code explorer pane, expand the build/contracts folder of your Solidity project.

  2. Right-click the contract metadata JSON file. The file name is the smart contract name followed by the .json extension.

  3. Select Copy Contract Bytecode.

    The contract bytecode is copied to the clipboard.

To use the contract metadata file:

  1. Open the contract metadata file contained in the build/contracts folder of your Solidity project. The file name is the smart contract name followed by the .json extension.

    I registered for a gmail account, seeing if that would work. Fear combat cd key generator. I think im just gonna switch over to gmail for my email and use msn for messenger.You can link up a gmail account with your MSN, I know i have. Get this guys. Within SECONDS of registering, I got my cd-key! At 3/2/08 08:30 AM, UnknownFear wrote:HA!!!

  2. Find the bytecode element in the JSON file.

  3. Copy the bytecode value.

To use the Solidity compiler:

Use the command solc --bin <smart contract>.sol to generate the contract bytecode.

Get the contract address

The contract address is the smart contract destination address on the Ethereum blockchain. You use this address to send a transaction or query state of a smart contract. You can get the contract address from the Truffle migration output or the contract metadata file.

To use the Truffle migrate output:

Truffle displays the contract address after deployment of the smart contract. Copy the contract address from the output.

To use the contract metadata file:

  1. Open the contract metadata file contained in the build/contracts folder of your Solidity project. The file name is the smart contract name followed by the .json extension.
  2. Find the networks section in the JSON file.
  3. Private networks are identified by an integer network ID. Find the address value within the network section.
  4. Copy the address value.

Next steps

Watch common scenarios in the video Doing more with Logic Apps.