Generate License Key Usin Kotlin

The Apache 2 license (given in full in LICENSE.txt) applies to all code in this repository which is copyrightby JetBrains. The following sections of the repository contain third-party code, to which different licensesmay apply:

  1. License Key Fivem
  2. Generate License Key Using Kotlin Word

Kotlin Compiler

License Key Fivem

The following modules contain third-party code and are incorporated into the Kotlin compiler and/orthe Kotlin IntelliJ IDEA plugin:

  • Path: compiler/backend/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/codegen/inline/

    • License: BSD (license/third_party/asm_license.txt)
    • Origin: Derived from ASM: a very small and fast Java bytecode manipulation framework, Copyright (c) 2000-2011 INRIA, France Telecom
  • Path: compiler/backend/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/codegen/inline/

    • License: BSD (license/third_party/asm_license.txt)
    • Origin: Derived from ASM: a very small and fast Java bytecode manipulation framework, Copyright (c) 2000-2011 INRIA, France Telecom
  • Path: compiler/backend/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/codegen/optimization/common/MethodAnalyzer.kt

    • License: BSD (license/third_party/asm_license.txt)
    • Origin: Derived from ASM: a very small and fast Java bytecode manipulation framework, Copyright (c) 2000-2011 INRIA, France Telecom
  • Path: core/reflection.jvm/src/kotlin.reflect/jvm/internal/pcollections

    • License: MIT (license/third_party/pcollections_LICENSE.txt)
    • Origin: Derived from PCollections, A Persistent Java Collections Library (
  • Path: eval4j/src/org/jetbrains/eval4j/interpreterLoop.kt

    • License: BSD (license/third_party/asm_license.txt)
    • Origin: Derived from ASM: a very small and fast Java bytecode manipulation framework, Copyright (c) 2000-2011 INRIA, France Telecom
  • Path: compiler/backend/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/codegen/optimization/common/

    • License: BSD (license/third_party/asm_license.txt)
    • Origin: Derived from ASM: a very small and fast Java bytecode manipulation framework, Copyright (c) 2000-2011 INRIA, France Telecom
  • Path: js/js.ast

    • License: BSD (license/third_party/dart_LICENSE.txt)
    • Origin: Originally part of the Dart compiler, (c) 2011 the Dart Project Authors,
  • Path: js/js.inliner/src/org/jetbrains/kotlin/js/inline/FunctionInlineMutator.kt

    • License: BSD (license/third_party/dart_LICENSE.txt)
    • Origin: Originally part of the Dart compiler, (c) 2011 the Dart Project Authors,
  • Path: js/js.parser/src/com/google

    • License: Netscape Public License 1.1 (license/third_party/rhino_LICENSE.txt)
    • Origin: Originally part of GWT, (C) 2007-08 Google Inc., distributed under the Apache 2 license. The codeis derived from Rhino, (C) 1997-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation, distributed under theNetscape Public License.
  • Path: js/js.translator/qunit/qunit.js

    • License: MIT (license/third_party/qunit_license.txt)
    • Origin: QUnit, Copyright (c) 2012 John Resig, Jörn Zaefferer,
  • Path: libraries/stdlib/src/kotlin/collections

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/gwt_license.txt)
    • Origin: Derived from GWT, (C) 2007-08 Google Inc.
  • Path: libraries/stdlib/unsigned/src/kotlin/UnsignedUtils.kt

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/guava_license.txt)
    • Origin: Derived from Guava's UnsignedLongs, (C) 2011 The Guava Authors
  • Path: libraries/stdlib/jvm/src/kotlin/util/MathJVM.kt

    • License: Boost Software License 1.0 (license/third_party/boost_LICENSE.txt)
    • Origin: Derived from boost special math functions, Copyright Eric Ford & Hubert Holin 2001.
  • Path: libraries/stdlib/js/src/kotlin/collections

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/gwt_license.txt)
    • Origin: Derived from GWT, (C) 2007-08 Google Inc.
  • Path: libraries/stdlib/js-v1/src/js/long.js

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/closure-compiler_LICENSE.txt)
    • Origin: Google Closure Library, Copyright 2009 The Closure Library Authors
  • Path: libraries/stdlib/js-v1/src/js/polyfills.js

    • License: Boost Software License 1.0 (license/third_party/boost_LICENSE.txt)
    • Origin: Derived from boost special math functions, Copyright Eric Ford & Hubert Holin 2001.
  • Path: plugins/lint/android-annotations

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/aosp_license.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright (C) 2011-15 The Android Open Source Project
  • Path: plugins/lint/lint-api

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/aosp_license.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright (C) 2011-15 The Android Open Source Project
  • Path: plugins/lint/lint-checks

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/aosp_license.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright (C) 2011-15 The Android Open Source Project
  • Path: plugins/lint/lint-idea

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/aosp_license.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright (C) 2011-15 The Android Open Source Project
  • Path: idea/idea-gradle-tooling-api/src/org/gradle/tooling/model/kotlin/dsl- License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/gradle_license.txt)- Origin: Gradle, Copyright 2002-2017 Gradle, Inc.

Kotlin Test Data

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The following source code is used for testing the Kotlin compiler and/or plugin and is not incorporated intoany distributions of the compiler, libraries or plugin:

Generate License Key Usin Kotlin
  • Path: third-party/annotations/android

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/aosp_license.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright (C) 2011-15 The Android Open Source Project
  • Path: third-party/annotations/com/android

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/aosp_license.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright (C) 2011-15 The Android Open Source Project
  • Path: third-party/annotations/org/eclipse

    • License: Eclipse Public License v1.0 (license/third_party/testdata/eclipse_license.txt)
    • Origin: Eclipse JDT, Copyright (c) 2011, 2013 Stephan Herrmann and others.
  • Path: third-party/annotations/androidx

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/aosp_license.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright (C) 2011-15 The Android Open Source Project
  • Path: third-party/annotations/edu/umd/cs/findbugs

    • License: LGPL 2.1 (license/third_party/testdata/findbugs_license.txt)
    • Origin: Bytecode Analysis Framework, Copyright (C) 2005 University of Maryland
  • Path: third-party/jdk8-annotations/org/eclipse

    You can easily edit your disc content, delete or add new content as well. With this application, you can directly save all of the audio CDs content without concern about the format. It enables the user to save soundtracks with conversion directly to hard disk without any issues. It allows you to modify or erase discs without any problem. As well as you can change or convert audio formats as well. Nero burning rom 10 key generator 2017.

    • License: Eclipse Public License v1.0 (license/third_party/testdata/eclipse_license.txt)
    • Origin: Eclipse JDT, Copyright (c) 2011, 2013 Stephan Herrmann and others.
  • Path: third-party/annotations/io/reactivex

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/testdata/rxjava_license.txt)
    • Origin: RxJava, Copyright (c) 2016-present, RxJava Contributors
  • Path: third-party/annotations/lombok

    • License: MIT (license/third_party/testdata/lombok_license.txt)
    • Origin: Project Lombok, Copyright (C) 2009-2013 The Project Lombok Authors
  • Path: idea/idea-android/tests/org/jetbrains/kotlin/android/

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/aosp_license.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright (C) 2011-15 The Android Open Source Project
  • Path: idea/testData/android/lintQuickfix/requiresApi/

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/aosp_license.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright (C) 2011-15 The Android Open Source Project
  • Path: idea/testData/android/lint/

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/aosp_license.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright (C) 2011-15 The Android Open Source Project
  • Path: idea/testData/android/lint/

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/aosp_license.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright (C) 2011-15 The Android Open Source Project
  • Path: libraries/tools/kotlin-gradle-plugin-integration-tests/src/test/resources/testProject/allOpenSpring/src/org/springframework/stereotype/

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/testdata/spring_license.txt)
    • Origin: Spring Framework, Copyright 2002-2007 the original author or authors.
  • Path: libraries/tools/kotlin-gradle-plugin-integration-tests/src/test/resources/testProject/AndroidDaggerProject

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/testdata/dagger_license.txt)
    • Origin: Dagger, Copyright (C) 2013 Square, Inc.
  • Path: libraries/tools/kotlin-gradle-plugin-integration-tests/src/test/resources/testProject/kapt2

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/testdata/dagger_license.txt)
    • Origin: Dagger, Copyright (C) 2013 Square, Inc.
  • Path: libraries/tools/kotlin-maven-plugin-test/src/it/test-allopen-spring/src/main/java/org/springframework/stereotype/

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/testdata/spring_license.txt)
    • Origin: Spring Framework, Copyright 2002-2007 the original author or authors.

Kotlin Tools and Libraries Tests

The following source code is used for testing the Kotlin tools and/or libraries and is not incorporated intoany distributions of the tools or libraries:

  • Path: libraries/tools/kotlin-gradle-plugin-integration-tests/src/test/kotlin/org/jetbrains/kotlin/gradle/PluginsDslIT.kt

    • License: Apache 2 (license/third_party/gradle_license.txt)
    • Origin: Gradle, Copyright 2002-2017 Gradle, Inc.
  • Path: libraries/tools/kotlin-gradle-plugin-integration-tests/target/test-classes/testProject/noArgJpa/src/javax/persistence/

    • License: Eclipse Public License v1.0 (license/third_party/testdata/eclipse_license.txt)and Eclipse Distribution License - v1.0 (license/third_party/testdata/eclipse_distribution_license.txt)
    • Origin: javax.persistence, Copyright (c) 2008, 2017 Sun Microsystems, Oracle Corporation.
  • Path: libraries/tools/kotlin-gradle-plugin-integration-tests/src/test/resources/testProject/noArgJpa/src/javax/persistence/

    • License: Eclipse Public License v1.0 (license/third_party/testdata/eclipse_license.txt)and Eclipse Distribution License - v1.0 (license/third_party/testdata/eclipse_distribution_license.txt)
    • Origin: javax.persistence, Copyright (c) 2008, 2017 Sun Microsystems, Oracle Corporation.
  • Path: libraries/tools/kotlin-gradle-plugin-integration-tests/src/test/resources/testProject/noArgJpa/src/javax/persistence/

    • License: Eclipse Public License v1.0 (license/third_party/testdata/eclipse_license.txt)and Eclipse Distribution License - v1.0 (license/third_party/testdata/eclipse_distribution_license.txt)
    • Origin: javax.persistence, Copyright (c) 2008, 2017 Sun Microsystems, Oracle Corporation.
  • Path: libraries/tools/kotlin-test-js-runner/karma-kotlin-reporter.js

    • License: MIT (license/third_party/karma_LICENSE.txtand license/third_party/karma-teamcity-reporter_LICENSE.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Google, Inc. and Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Vojta Jína and contributors.
  • Path: libraries/tools/kotlin-test-js-runner/mocha-kotlin-reporter.js

    • License: MIT (license/third_party/mocha-teamcity-reporter_LICENSE.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright (c) 2016 Jamie Sherriff
  • Path: libraries/tools/kotlin-test-js-runner/src/utils.ts

    • License: MIT (license/third_party/teamcity-service-messages_LICENSE.txtand license/third_party/lodash_LICENSE.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright (c) 2013 Aaron Forsander and Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors
  • Path: libraries/tools/kotlin-test-js-runner/src/teamcity-format.js

    • License: MIT (license/third_party/mocha-teamcity-reporter_LICENSE.txtand license/third_party/teamcity-service-messages_LICENSE.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright (c) 2016 Jamie Sherriff and Copyright (c) 2013 Aaron Forsander
  • Path: libraries/tools/kotlin-source-map-loader/kotlin-source-map-loader.js

    • License: MIT (license/third_party/source-map-loader_LICENSE.txt)
    • Origin: Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors

Example Code

The following code is provided as examples and is not incorporated intoany distributions of the compiler, libraries or plugin:

Generate License Key Using Kotlin Word

  • Path: libraries/examples/browser-example/src/js/jquery.js

    • License: MIT (license/third_party/jquery_license.txt)
    • Origin: jQuery JavaScript Library v1.6.2, Copyright 2011, John Resig
  • Path: libraries/examples/browser-example-with-library/src/js/jquery.js

    • License: MIT (license/third_party/jquery_license.txt)
    • Origin: jQuery JavaScript Library v1.6.2, Copyright 2011, John Resig