Java Generate Certificate And Private Key

  1. Java Generate Certificate And Private Key Example
  2. Java Generate Certificate And Private Key Code
  3. Java Generate Certificate And Private Key Finder

Securing your Java application with an SSL certificate can be extremely important. Fortunately, it is (usually) quite simple to do using Java Keytool. Most situations require that you buy a trusted certificate, but there are many cases when you can generate and use a self signed certificate for free.

The command generates a public/private key pair for the entity whose distinguished name has a common name of Susan Jones and the organizational unit of Purchasing. The command creates a self-signed certificate that includes the public key and the distinguished-name information. In this example you will generate a public/private key pair for the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA). You will generate keys with a 1024-bit length. Generating a key pair requires several steps: Create a Key Pair Generator. The first step is to get a key-pair generator object for generating keys.

When to Use a Keytool Self Signed Certificate

An SSL certificate serves two essential purposes: distributing the public key and verifying the identity of the server so users know they aren't sending their information to the wrong server. It can only properly verify the identity of the server when it is signed by a trusted third party. A self signed certificate is a certificate that is signed by itself rather than a trusted authority. Since any attacker can create a self signed certificate and launch a man-in-the-middle attack, a user can't know whether they are sending their encrypted information to the server or an attacker. Because of this, you will almost never want to use a self signed certificate on a public Java server that requires anonymous visitors to connect to your site. However, self signed certificates have their place:

Never use a self signed certificate on an e-commerce site or any site that transfers valuable personal information like credit cards, social security numbers, etc.

  • An Intranet. When clients only have to go through a local Intranet to get to the server, there is virtually no chance of a man-in-the-middle attack.
  • A Java development server. There is no need to spend extra cash buying a trusted certificate when you are just developing or testing an application.
  • Personal sites with few visitors. If you have a small personal site that transfers non-critical information, there is very little incentive for someone to attack the connection.

Just keep in mind that visitors will see a warning in their browsers (like the one below) when connecting to a server that uses a self signed certificate until it is permanently stored in their certificate store.

Generate a Self Signed Certificate using Java Keytool

Now that you know when to use a Keytool self signed certificate, let's create one using a simple Java Keytool command:

  1. Open the command console on whatever operating system you are using and navigate to the directory where keytool.exe is located (usually where the JRE is located, e.g. c:Program FilesJavajre6bin on Windows machines).
  2. Run the following command (where validity is the number of days before the certificate will expire):
    keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password -validity 360 -keysize 2048
  3. Fill in the prompts for your organization information. When it asks for your first and last name, enter the domain name of the server that users will be entering to connect to your application (e.g.

This will create a keystore.jks file containing a private key and your sparklingly fresh self signed certificate. Now you just need to configure your Java application to use the .jks file. If you are using Tomcat, you can follow our Tomcat SSL Installation Instructions.

For more information on creating a Java Keytool Self Signed Certificate, see the following links:

Originally posted on Sat Oct 30, 2010




I need .pfx file to install https on website on IIS.

I have two separate files: certificate (.cer or pem) and private key (.crt) but IIS accepts only .pfx files.

I obviously installed certificate and it is available in certificate manager (mmc) but when I select Certificate Export Wizard I cannot select PFX format (it’s greyed out)

Are there any tools to do that or C# examples of doing that programtically?


You will need to use openssl.

openssl pkcs12 -export -out -inkey -in

The key file is just a text file with your private key in it.

You can install openssl from here: openssl


The Microsoft Pvk2Pfx command line utility seems to have the functionality you need:

Pvk2Pfx (Pvk2Pfx.exe) is a command-line tool copies public key and private key information contained in .spc, .cer, and .pvk files to a Personal Information Exchange (.pfx) file.

Note: if you need/want/prefer a C# solution, then you may want to consider using the api.


If you’re looking for a Windows GUI, check out DigiCert. I just used this and it was fairly simple.

Under the SSL tab, I first Imported the Certificate. Then once I selected the Certificate I was able to export as a PFX, both with and without a keyfile.


You do NOT need openssl or makecert or any of that. You also don’t need the personal key given to you by your CA. I can almost guarantee that the problem is that you expect to be able to use the key and cer files provided by your CA but they aren’t based on “the IIS way”. I’m so tired of seeing bad and difficult info out here that I decided to blog the subject and the solution. When you realize what’s going on and see how easy it is, you will want to hug me 🙂

SSL Certs for IIS with PFX once and for all – SSL and IIS Explained –

Use IIS “Server Certificates” UI to “Generate Certificate Request” (the details of this request are out of the scope of this article but those details are critical). This will give you a CSR prepped for IIS. You then give that CSR to your CA and ask for a certificate. Then you take the CER/CRT file they give you, go back to IIS, “Complete Certificate Request” in the same place you generated the request. It may ask for a .CER and you might have a .CRT. They are the same thing. Just change the extension or use the . extension drop-down to select your .CRT. Now provide a proper “friendly name” (*,,, etc.) THIS IS IMPORTANT! This MUST match what you setup the CSR for and what your CA provided you. If you asked for a wildcard, your CA must have approved and generated a wildcard and you must use the same. If your CSR was generated for, you MUST provide the same at this step.


I got a link with your requirement.Combine CRT and KEY Files into a PFX with OpenSSL

Extracts from the above link:

First we need to extract the root CA certificate from the existing
.crt file, because we need this later. So open up the .crt and click
on the Certification Path tab.

Click the topmost certificate (In this case VeriSign) and hit View
Certificate. Select the Details tab and hit Copy to File…

Select Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER) certificate Save it as rootca.cer
or something similar. Place it in the same folder as the other files.

Rename it from rootca.cer to rootca.crt Now we should have 3 files in
our folder from which we can create a PFX file.

Here is where we need OpenSSL. We can either download and install it
on Windows, or simply open terminal on OSX.


  1. There is a support link with step by step information on how to do install the certificate.

  2. After successfully install, export the certificate, choose .pfx format, include private key.

    Important Note: : To export the certificate in .pfx format you need to follow the steps on the same machine from which you have requested the certificate.

  3. The imported file can be uploaded to server.


Java Generate Certificate And Private Key Example

You need to use the makecert tool.

Open a command prompt as admin and type the following:

Where <CertifcateName> = the name of your cert to create.

Then you can open the Certificate Manager snap-in for the management console by typing certmgr.msc in the Start menu, click personal > certificates > and your cert should be available.

Here is an article.


This is BY FAR the easiest way to convert *.cer to *.pfx files:

Office Mac 2011 Product Key Generator Free 2019 for MAC OS X and iOS. This tool will work on your Mac, all latest versions are supported. Our tool is reliable and will do exactly what you expect and more. Office Mac 2011 Product Key Generator Free 2019 will not only work on MAC but it will work on WINDOWS 10 AND 7 and iOS, Android. Office mac 2011 product key generator. Once you have your product key, see Activate Office for Mac 2011. When you install or reinstall Microsoft Office, you are prompted to enter the product key. The product key is used during installation to 'unlock' the software. Office Mac 2011 Product Key Generator 2019 No Survey has latest VPN and proxy support, this tool will hide your IP address and will make you 100% anonymous. All features and user manual has been added to notes.txt file, it will be provided for you after installation. Jun 01, 2016  Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 delivers you a familiar work situation that is more intuitive than ever. The suite presents new and improved tools that offer it easy to create the professional document, with advancements in the speed and quickness of Office 2011 you will notice the movement you open the applications. Download now Direct download link (Windows) Office Mac 2011 Product Key Generator Free 2019 successfully tested for extended period of time and now has been published in our website for public use. This tool will do all that you need and more. We always add more features to every tool that we can.

Just download the portable certificate converter from DigiCert:

Execute it, select a file and get your *.pfx!!


When you say the certificate is available in MMC, is it available under “Current User” or “Local Computer”? I’ve found that I can only export the private key if it is under Local Computer.

You can add the snap in for Certificates to MMC and choose which account it should manage certificates for. Choose Local Computer. If your certificate is not there, import it by right clicking the store and choosing All Tasks > Import.

Now navigate to your imported certificate under the Local Computer version of the certificate snap in. Right click the certificate and choose All Tasks > Export. The second page of the export wizard should ask if you want to export the private key. Select Yes. The PFX option will now be the only one available (it is grayed out if you select no and the option to export the private key isn’t available under the Current User account).

You’ll be asked to set a password for the PFX file and then to set the certificate name.


(( relevant quotes from the article are below ))

Next, you have to create the .pfx file that you will use to sign your deployments. Open a Command Prompt window, and type the following command:


(Optionally (and not for the OP, but for future readers), you can create the .cer and .pvk file from scratch) (you would do this BEFORE the above). note the mm/dd/yyyy are placeholders for start and end dates. see msdn article for full documentation.


I created .pfx file from .key and .pem files.

Like this openssl pkcs12 -inkey rootCA.key -in rootCA.pem -export -out rootCA.pfx


I was having the same issue. My problem was that the computer that generated the initial certificate request had crashed before the extended ssl validation process was completed. I needed to generate a new private key and then import the updated certificate from the certificate provider. If the private key doesn’t exist on your computer then you can’t export the certificate as pfx. They option is greyed out.


I know a few users have talked about installing this and that and adding command lines programmes and downloading…

Java Generate Certificate And Private Key Code

Personally I am lazy and find all these methods cumbersome and slow, plus I don’t want to download anything and find the correct cmd lines if I don’t have to.

Best way for me on my personal IIS server is to use RapidSSLOnline. This is a tool that’s on a server allows you to upload your certificate and private key and is able to generate a pfx file for you that you can directly import into IIS.

The link is here:

Below is the steps used for the scenario requested.

  1. Select Current Type = PEM
  2. Change for = PFX
  3. Upload your certificate
  4. Upload your private key
  5. If you have ROOT CA cert or intermediate certs upload them too
  6. Set a password of your choosing, used in IIS
  7. Click the reCaptcha to prove you’re not a bot
  8. Click Convert

And that’s it you should have a PFX downloaded and use this in your Import process on IIS.

Hope this helps other like minded, lazy tech people.

Java Generate Certificate And Private Key Finder


In most of the cases, if you are unable to export the certificate as a PFX (including the private key) is because MMC/IIS cannot find/don’t have access to the private key (used to generate the CSR). These are the steps I followed to fix this issue:

  • Run MMC as Admin
    • Generate the CSR using MMC. Follow this instructions to make the certificate exportable.
  • Once you get the certificate from the CA (crt + p7b), import them (PersonalCertificates, and Intermediate Certification AuthorityCertificates)
  • IMPORTANT: Right-click your new certificate (PersonalCertificates) All Tasks.Manage Private Key, and assign permissions to your account or Everyone (risky!). You can go back to previous permissions once you have finished.
  • Now, right-click the certificate and select All Tasks.Export, and you should be able to export the certificate including the private key as a PFX file, and you can upload it to Azure!

Hope this helps!


Although it is probably easiest to generate a new CSR using IIS (like @rainabba said), assuming you have the intermediate certificates there are some online converters out there – for instance:

This will allow you to create a PFX from your certificate and private key without having to install another program.

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