Machine Key Generator Net 4.0

ASP.NET Machine Key Generator. This tool will generate a valid random machine key used by ASP.NET for encryption, decryption, validation of forms-authentication and view-state data, and other purposes. Select your target version of ASP.NET and click the Generate Keys button. You can then copy the result and paste it into the. Sep 05, 2006  Download Machine Key Generator. The Element configures keys to use for encryption and decryption of forms authentication cookie data and viewstate data, and for verification of out-of-process session state identification. Apr 26, 2011 Specify MachineKeyVersion.Net1 to target ASP.NET version 1.1, or MachineKeyVersion.Net2 to target ASP.NET version 2.0 and later. The Generate method starts by calling the GenerateKey method to generate a string of random values of the specified length. It then formats the final element according to the specified target version. Oct 18, 2011  EDIT: For.NET 4.0 the default algorithm has been changed to SHA256 I think that the easiest way of finding the defaults is to see the entry in the MSDN for this config value. MSDN 4.0 for machinekey is as below.

Serial key generatorMachine Key Generator Net 4.0-->

On my local machine, running IIS 7.5 this is easy. Go into IIS Manager, and in the Actions pane on the right hand right is a command Change.NET Framework Version. I can change this between.NET 2.0 and.NET 4.0, and this changes which machine level web.config I am editing when I change the machine key from the IIS Manager home page.

The implementation of the <machineKey> element in ASP.NET is replaceable. This allows most calls to ASP.NET cryptographic routines to be routed through a replacement data protection mechanism, including the new data protection system.

Machine Key Generator Net 4.0 Login

Package installation

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The new data protection system can only be installed into an existing ASP.NET application targeting .NET 4.5.1 or later. Installation will fail if the application targets .NET 4.5 or lower.

To install the new data protection system into an existing ASP.NET 4.5.1+ project, install the package Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.SystemWeb. This will instantiate the data protection system using the default configuration settings.

When you install the package, it inserts a line into Web.config that tells ASP.NET to use it for most cryptographic operations, including forms authentication, view state, and calls to MachineKey.Protect. The line that's inserted reads as follows.


You can tell if the new data protection system is active by inspecting fields like __VIEWSTATE, which should begin with 'CfDJ8' as in the example below. 'CfDJ8' is the base64 representation of the magic '09 F0 C9 F0' header that identifies a payload protected by the data protection system.

Package configuration

The data protection system is instantiated with a default zero-setup configuration. However, since by default keys are persisted to the local file system, this won't work for applications which are deployed in a farm. To resolve this, you can provide configuration by creating a type which subclasses DataProtectionStartup and overrides its ConfigureServices method.

Below is an example of a custom data protection startup type which configured both where keys are persisted and how they're encrypted at rest. It also overrides the default app isolation policy by providing its own application name.


You can also use <machineKey applicationName='my-app' .. /> in place of an explicit call to SetApplicationName. This is a convenience mechanism to avoid forcing the developer to create a DataProtectionStartup-derived type if all they wanted to configure was setting the application name.

To enable this custom configuration, go back to Web.config and look for the <appSettings> element that the package install added to the config file. It will look like the following markup:

Fill in the blank value with the assembly-qualified name of the DataProtectionStartup-derived type you just created. If the name of the application is DataProtectionDemo, this would look like the below.

The newly-configured data protection system is now ready for use inside the application.

Have you ever needed to generate a MachineKey to use in your application's configuration file or in machine.config? You may need a MachineKey in several scenarios. One of them is the scenario where you deploy your application in a web farm. One another scenario is to need to encrypt Forms Authentication tickets.

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You have some options to generate a MachineKey:

  • You can build the sample application from the following article:
  • You can search in Bing for 'MachineKey generator' and use an online service. Honestly I wouldn't rely on third party online services for generating MachineKey because I wouldn't have any control over them and I couldn't make sure that if they wouldn't log my IP address and MachineKey in a database to use that later - yes, I know it sounds like 'paranoia' 🙂
There is one another way which I have learned from one of my customers today. It was over there waiting in IIS user interface but I never gave it a try before (shame on me). You can use IIS 7.5 user interface to generate the MachineKey section and save it in the web.config of your application / root web.config file. Steps are quite easy:

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2) If you need to generate and save the MachineKey for all your applications select the server name in the left pane, in that case you will be modifying the root web.config file (which is placed in the .NET framework folder). If your intention is to create MachineKey for a specific web site/application then select the web site / application from the left pane. In that case you will be modifying the web.config file of your application.

Machine Key Generator .net 4.0

3) Double click the Machine Key icon in ASP.NET settings in the middle pane:

Key Generator Download

4) MachineKey section will be read from your configuration file and be shown in the UI. If you did not configure a specific MachineKey and it is generated automatically you will see the following options:

Iis Machine Key Generator

5) Now you can click Generate Keys on the right pane to generate random MachineKeys. When you click Apply, all settings will be saved in the web.config file.