Register The Generated Consumer Key And Consumer Secret

Use the generated LTI key and secret code to set up Assignments as an LTI tool in your LMS. Important: If you previously installed Course Kit in your LMS, you don't need to set up Assignments LTI in your LMS, and you won't need to complete the steps in this article. After creating the consumer key and secret, associate the key with an API product, as described in Add API Product to Key. If a consumer key and secret already exist, you can either keep them or delete them, as described in Delete Key for a Developer App. Credential pairs consisting of consumer key and consumer secret are provisioned by API.NSW to clients for specific API products. When API’s are registered with our services, a consumer key and secret pair is generated for the API for that particular client. API NSW team stores the consumer key and secret for future validation. OAuth for PHP Twitter Apps, Part 1. The request tokens and register URL we generated in the previous step aren’t indefinite: Twitter will expire them. After registration, you will get a consumer key and consumer secret. Copy and paste them somewhere safe, like a text file or email. Copy and paste them somewhere safe, like a text file or email. To access them again go to your Tumblr account page, choose Settings in the Account menu, and click on Apps.

Separate consumer key and secret will be generated for each developer app. While creating an app customer will register to those products to which he wants to access assigned API's. To understand key app and product refer this.

Use Case:
Configure the PMS Connected App according to the specifications outlined in the business requirements. Then register the connected app with the Org Registration Heroku app and test the connection. Enter the project service security token into the custom setting.
Connect to Square Peg’s Project Management System (PMS)
The PMS uses a secured REST-based API; configure a Named Credential containing these authentication and endpoint details:
Identity TypeNamed Principal
Authentication ProtocolPassword Authentication
Generate Authorization HeaderChecked
Additional Project Management System API Details
Required HeadersContent-Type: JSON
Return Status‘OK’ or error message
Response Code201 = Success 500 = Failure
The external PMS service calls your org’s custom Apex REST service back; configure it as a Connected App with the following information:
Connected App NameProjectService
API NameProjectService
Contact emailYour email
Enable OAuth SettingsChecked
Callback URL
Selected OAuth ScopesFull access & Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
Register the generated Consumer Key and Consumer Secret with the Square Peg security whitelisting process.
Configure Org Registration
You will use a custom Heroku app to register your org by clicking this link: This app registers your username with the Connected App’s consumer key and consumer secret in the Square Peg registry. This process returns a security token to store in your org as a ServiceTokens Custom Setting record (named ProjectServiceToken). Pass the token with any outbound call to the PMS RESTful web service as part of the header (with key named token). Follow the instructions on the registration app, and remember to test your connection. (Note: When you begin testing, bear in mind that it can take some time for your Connected App to propagate.)
1. Go to Named Credentials from search find box. Create a new record as follwos,
2.Create a connected app as per use case details and find the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret as follows,
3. Go to '' and click on link ' log into your DE org' and then enter your consumer details to get security token.
4. Manage ServiceTokens custom setting and set your token as follows,

After Twitter has closed the access to version 1.0 of API, we all are pushed to change the Latest Tweets widget and Twitter Follower counter widget settings in order to make it work with Twitter API version 1.1.

To make things straight, you have to create a Twitter application to generate Twitter API Keys, Access Token and secret keys and so on.

Creating a Twitter Application

To use Twitter counter widget and other Twitter related widgets, you need OAuth access keys. To get Twitter Access keys, you need to create Twitter Application which is mandatory to access Twitter.

  1. Go to and log in, if necessary
  2. Enter your Application Name, Description and your website address. You can leave the callback URL empty.
  3. Accept the TOS, and solve the CAPTCHA.
  4. Submit the form by clicking the Create your Twitter Application
  5. Copy the consumer key (API key) and consumer secret from the screen into your application

Create Your Access Token for OAuth

After creating your Twitter Application, you have to give the access to your Twitter Account to use this Application. To do this, click the Create my Access Token.

Get the Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Acess token, Access Token Secret

In order to access the Twitter, that is to get recent tweets and twitter followers count, you need the four keys such as Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Acess token, Access Token Secret.

To get all these keys, click the OAuth Tool tab in your Twitter Application and copy those keys and paste in our Theme Options page. That’s it. Now Your Twitter counter will get the followers count and display them in your widget.

TOPICS Twitter Previous:10 Things To Do After Installing WordPress [Essential Guide]Next: How to Upgrade and Update a WordPress Theme After Customization

There are 5 Comments.

Consumer key twitterchernjas8:01 pm September 16, 2013

Followed this instruction, but still getting: Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /home/kfblog/ on line 199

Usually a public SSH key is generated at the same time as a private key.Unlike a private SSH key, it is acceptable to lose a public key as it can be generated again from a private key at any time.In this small note i am showing how to create a public SSH key from a private one using ssh-keygen command-line tool.Cool Tip: Remove delay during SSH login! Generate public key from private linux.

ReplyRaja CRN8:11 pm September 16, 2013


Register The Generated Consumer Key And Consumer Secrets

cURL is disabled in your server. You have to turn on cURL to make things work. Contact Your server Provider.



Register The Generated Consumer Key And Consumer Secretary

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