Generate Machine Key



  • This tool will generate a valid random machine key used by ASP.NET for encryption, decryption, validation of forms-authentication and view-state data, and other purposes. Select your target version of ASP.NET and click the Generate Keys button.
  • ASP.Net MachineKey Generator. Machine Key Generator. WPA Key Generator. WEP Key Generator. Encryption Key Generator. This website is part of a series of 'tool websites' that are provided to developpers to help them in their daily jobs. Feel free to bookmark all of them! It is provided for free and we rely only on ads and donations to.
  • Apr 26, 2011  This method will generate a random element suitable for pasting into the section of your web.config file. The Generate method takes a single argument: A MachineKeyVersion enum that indicates the version of ASP.NET being targeted. There are some variations in the element between ASP.NET version 1.1.
  • ASP.Net MachineKey Generator. The all-in-one ultimate online toolbox that generates all kind of keys! Every coder needs All Keys Generator in its favorites! It is provided for free and only supported by ads and donations.

I want to adjust the machine keys dynamically in code during runtime, for an IIS hosted ASP.NET MVC 4 website. The machine keys, encryption and validation keys as well as algorithms to use, are st. ASP.Net MachineKey Generator. The all-in-one ultimate online toolbox that generates all kind of keys! Every coder needs All Keys Generator in its favorites! It is provided for free and only supported by ads. Jan 04, 2017 N.B: Do not use this machineKey on your production servers. Instead follow the steps mentioned below to generate a new one only for you. Solution: We will use a PowerShell script to create this machineKey. Here’s the Powershell Script # Generates a machineKey element that can be copied + pasted into a Web.config file.

Provides a way to encrypt or hash data (or both) by using the same algorithms and key values that are used for ASP.NET forms authentication and view state.



The MachineKey class provides methods that expose the hashing and encryption logic that ASP.NET provides. For information about which encryption and hashing algorithms ASP.NET uses, and the key values that it uses with them, see machineKey Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema).

Generate Machine Key


The MachineKey APIs should only be used in an ASP.NET app. Behavior of the MachineKey APIs outside the context of an ASP.NET application is undefined


Decode(String, MachineKeyProtection)

Decodes and/or validates data that has been encrypted or provided with a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC).

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Encode(Byte[], MachineKeyProtection)

Encrypts data and/or appends a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC).

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Protect(Byte[], String[])

Protects the specified data by encrypting or signing it.

Unprotect(Byte[], String[])

Unprotects the specified data, which was protected by the Protect(Byte[], String[]) method.

Applies to

6 Jul 2011CPOL
Machine key generates a unique key which helps you on single form because it helps to protect your Form Authentication cookies and page level View state


Machine key generates a unique key which helps you on single form because it helps to protect your Form Authentication cookies and page level View state. When user sends a request and Server A receives response with form Authentication cookies, now again he sends a request which was received by Server B and attempted to decrypt form authentication cookies which was unsuccessful to decrypt because server A was using his own unique machine key and server B was using its own unique machine key to decrypt the form Authentication cookies. To avoid this problem, use the same machine key on all servers.

Generate Machine Key in IIS7

Let’s see the example on how to generate machine key for web site.

Generate Machine Key Code

  • Open your IIS Manager from Administrative tool -> Internet Information Services Manager.
  • In Connection pane on left side of window, click on the website.
  • Double click on Machine Key icon as shown below.
  • You will see Machine key page, default encryption method is SHA1, you can change it from dropdown list as shown.
  • Click on Generate Keys from Actions pane from left side of IIS window as shown.
  • Click Apply as shown.
  • Message will be shown on Alerts pane, 'The changes have been successfully saved.'
  • Open your Web.Config file, you will find the<machineKey> inside the <system.web> section as shown.


Note: Apply this machine key on all web farm servers; this is my generated machine key.
