Generate Unique License Keys For Each Sale

That was a long time ago, I trying to remember if that was the unique key for software protection, or the unique key for payment procesing transactions. I ended up using this, that allows for up to 100,000 unique keys, but I know I need several million of them. This program could use a boost to increase the amount of unique keys.

  1. Generate License Keys For Software
  2. Generate Unique License Keys For Each Salem
  1. Oct 18, 2016 Not only do we make it easy for you to sell your digital products online by handling integration with your payment processor, providing a streamlined checkout and secure product delivery, but we also handle license keys. You can manage license keys in these three different ways with SendOwl: We can automatically generate random license keys for.
  2. Apr 12, 2019 View detailed information about each sale you make. Manage subscriptions and transactions; Generate license keys for your software. Customize checkout pages and build your sales funnels. Manage integration with your favorite payment methods. Manege email, webinar and memberchip services. Control of your affiliate partners.

Download keys & URLs

A download key is a special URL that gives someone access to a project’s files.

There are a few ways a download key can come into existence:

  1. Someone pays for your project
  2. You, the project owner, generates one from the project edit page

When someone downloads a free project a download key is not created. Someonewill not own a game just by downloading it for free

We've described in detail what happens when someone pays for your project inthe How buying works guide. One important thing to note: Ifsomeone pays for a project that is free (minimum price of 0), they will stillget a download key. If you decide to add a price in the future they will stillhave access.

A download key’s URL is unique and should not be shared. If a download key islinked to an account then it can only be viewed by the owner when they arelogged into their account.

File access

The purpose of a download key is to give download access to the files you'veuploaded to your project. By default, any file you've uploaded will beavailable for download. If you change the minimum price of your project thenkey holders will still have access to their files.

There’s one exception to this rule though: any files that are individuallypriced.

There are two ways to set a price on your downloadable files: You can set aminimum price on your entire project, or you can individually set a price onfiles of your choosing.

All download keys have an associated price. It’s used to unlock anyindividually priced files. This price is set when someone buys your project, orif you manually set it when generating a download key.

Generating a download key

From the Distribute tab of your project’s edit page you can find theDownload keys section. There are two ways to generate keys: singular or inbulk.

If you'r looking to give out access to your game to a friend, or press, werecommend generating a single key. If you need to generate many keys, like fora promotion on another site, then we recommend the bulk generator.

Individually generated keys give you finer control over the key: you can set alabel for easy identification, track how often it’s been used to download, andrevoke it if necessary.

Bulk keys

Keys created in bulk have two additional options:

  • The Unlock price lets you specify which files of your project shouldbe unlocked by the keys you're generating, in case you want to set apartbonus tiers (soundtrack, artbook, etc.) for fans who have actually boughtyour project.
  • The Give access to external keys option lets you specify whether the keysyou're generating should give access to one of the external keys you've addedfor your project.

External keys (Steam, etc.)

If your project is being sold on other marketplaces, such as Steam, you cangive away external keys to people who own your project. (e.g. with purchase, see below for who can access keys)

Navigate to the External section tab on the Distribute tab on your project’sedit page to add keys to your project.

Note: It’s good idea to triple-check before submitting external keys, asit may be difficult to correct mistakes after keys have been made available.You can contact us if you made any mistakes and need our help.

Ensure you add enough to be available for your buyers. If someone tries toclaim their external key and there are none left in stock, they will be told totry again later.

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Read How buying works to see how buyerscan redeem external keys.

Generate License Keys For Software

Who can access external keys? (Steam, etc.)

External keys are available to people who own your project

There are a few ways people can own something:

  • Paying for it
  • Being given a download key (described above)
  • Claiming a project during a 100% off sale (Note: this is a special model that must be explicitly enabled by the sale creator)

The following do not give ownership:

  • Downloading a demo
  • Skipping payment and downloading a pay-what-you-want project for free

When someone owns your project, they are given access external keys if they areavailable, unless external keys have been explicitly disabled. This can becontrolled from the external keys dashboard page.

Note: For projects that are free, but accept pay-what-you-want donations: Anypayment will give the buyer ownership, and therefore grant access to keys.This means someone is able to pay the minimum ammount allows and get a key.

Note: For sub-products (aka DLC), external keys are not granted with thosepayments. Only a purchase of the main product is suitable for gettingexternal keys.

When using any of our tools to generate download keys to grant access to aproject, you can decide if you want to also include external keys. If you donot explicitly enabled them, then those download keys will not come with anyexternal keys.


WooCommerce Serial Numbers is a simple and powerful serial numbers, license keys manager plugin that enables you to easily sell any kind of numbers or secret keys distributed products.

WooCommerce Serial Numbers enable your store to sell WooCommerce license keys, any kind of gift cards, physical products that include a serial number or license key, digital software with access keys, username & password, tickets, lotteries, pin codes almost any kind of secret number based products.

Demo Get The PRO Version Support Documentation

WooCommerce Serial Numbers Plugin Features

  • Create and assign license keys with either physical or digital products directly.
  • Set license validity to expire licenses after your preset time.
  • You can preset a expire date of the license key after that date license key won’t be delivered.
  • Activation limit will enable you to restrict the use of the license key to enable software
  • The dedicated notification system will keep you informed when your generated license numbers are about to finish by sending automatic emails.
  • Dedicated dashboard from where you can easily manage serial numbers Built-in validator API (with activation, validation deactivation, and Software version endpoints).
  • Admin can easily track license keys from the order page.
  • For software, you can easily track the usage of license keys from the order page
  • All the serial numbers in the database are encrypted [NEW]
  • Lots of customization options

WooCommerce Serial Numbers Pro Features

  • Sell serial numbers or license keys for variable products either its a physical or digital product.
  • Enables you to define your own pattern to generate serial numbers Like Serial-##############
  • You can even include date in serial numbers like Serial-{y}{m}{d}############
  • You can create random or sequential numbers depending on your needs
  • If you do not like to generate serial numbers your own, then set the option it will generate automatically and assign to order depending on how you set the rule.
  • Manage serial numbers directly from the order management page. You can edit, assign new, delete from there.
  • Create unlimited serial number generator rules with your custom serial numbers patterns.
  • Bulk generation of serial numbers with a single click.
  • Bulk Serial numbers/License keys import from CSV
  • Serial numbers export in CSV format
  • Dedicated support

Generate Unique License Keys For Each Salem

How will WooCommerce Serial Numbers benefit you:

  • You will be able to sell WooCommerce Serial Numbers and WooCommerce license keys.
  • Selling license activated digital software and games will be a piece of cake.
  • Sell physical products that include a serial number or license key
  • Sell gift cards and/or other secret number based products.
  • Sell username & passwords.
  • Sell Pin codes.
  • You will even be able to sell lottery tickets.
  • Finally, this plugin will help increase your revenue by adding new product types.

Installation and Usage:

The installation is fairly simple and straightforward. If you have ever installed any WordPress plugin, then there is nothing new for you. First, you need to have WooCommerce installed and activated on your site. If you do not have WooCommerce installed and activated on your system, then the plugin will generate an error message as it requires WooCommerce to function properly.

How does it work / functionality explained:

The license key work for both virtual and downloadable products. First of all, you need to activate the plugin if have not done so yet. After activation, it will create a sub-menu called “Serial Numbers” in your dashboard and also create a new menu item in the admin bar top menu. Thus, it offers out of the box convenience of use and ensures the best user experience.

How to create a license key:

The user friendly design and features enable you to achieve anything with ease. Adding serial numbers is fairly easy. First, you have to select the product to assign the serial key. Then comes the option to add serial numbers. You can add any combination of numbers and or letters to make your secret key. You can input multiple lines as your secret key. Thirdly, you have to deal with the “Activation Limit”. This section is mostly applicable for software or game licenses. If you want to allow single activation per key then enter 1 here. If you want multiple activation then you are free to enter any number. We advise you to keep it blank if the product is not software. The “Validity” option comes up next. This field takes days as input so if you want your licenses key to be valid for one year then enter 365 days. You can add any number based on your preference. You should note that the count of days will start from the purchase date. Finally comes the “Expire Date”. Here you have to enter a date from the nice calendar section. License keys of your store will expire after if the “Expire Date” is crossed. They will not be assigned with any product after that date. Congratulation you have successfully learned the necessary steps to create license keys manually.

Add license keys directly from the Products menu of WooCommerce:

You can either add license keys while adding a new product or during editing a product. You will find a new option called “Serial Numbers” in the single product tab menu if you check the option “Serial Number” from there. This will bring forward options to create or assign existing serial numbers with that product. Here you will get similar options that we have described above to create and assign new serial keys for a product.

Delivery Settings:

Under this section, you will select options for sending and revoking serial number. Here you will find different options and select the appropriate option for you.


WooCommerce Serial Numbers is only dependent on WooCommerce. You should at least have PHP version – 5.6 for the smooth operation of this state-of-the-art plugin. We tested this plugin thoroughly to make sure it operates seamlessly under every situation. We did not detect any problem or conflict during our test. Still, we are open to issues as we understand that WordPress and WooCommerce is a vast ecosystem and anything can happen.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


How will this plugin empower my online store?

Primarily this plugin will enable you to sell and manage license keys. So along with your physical products you will be able to sell digital products like license keys, pin codes, gift cards and other licensable products. It will definitely start a new era for your online venture.

Which products are the main target of this plugin?

This WooCommerce plugin has the ability to extend and become a fully-fledged license management tool. The current focus highly prioritizes on enabling WooCommerce store owners to sell pin codes, gift cards and other secret codes.

What is the minimum PHP version that I have to maintain to use this plugin?

To enjoy the sweet features of this powerful plugin you have to at least have PHP version 5.6 or higher installed. If you have a lower version of PHP then you may face problems.

Can I ask/suggest for a new feature?

Yes, of course. We do not create products for ourselves. You are always welcome to suggest new features and improvements.

How do I get the advanced features?

The advanced features include bulk import of license keys and automatic license generation. They offer the much-needed productivity enhancement for every store owner. You can purchase the premium version from Plugiever and enjoy those advanced features.

Generate Unique License Keys For Each SaleGenerate unique license keys for each sale of car
How do I work with software API?

WooCommerce Serial Numbers has a dedicated page for Software API. You can learn about more from about how it works.


Plugin tốt, hỗ trợ thời gian thực sát vời thời gian Vietnam. Kỹ thuật hỗ trợ nhanh gọn.