Monster Hunter Generations Grank Key Quests

NumAvg HPStaggerAttackDefenseExhaustDizzyMount
[Village★3] Tumultuous SproutsINTRUDER14796 HPx1.4x1.16x0.9x1.5x1.1x1.6
[Village★6] The Scorching Blade12684 HPx1.05x1.16x1x1.05x1x1
[Village★6] From Beyond the Sands12684 HPx1.05x1.16x1x1.05x1x1
[Village★6] The Fated Four11892 HPx1.05x1.18x1x1.05x1x1
[Village★6] Advanced: Jurassic Treasure14004 HPx1.35x2.65x0.85x1.6x1.25x1.6
[Village★6] Advanced: The Goliaths13080 HPx1.2x2.65x0.9x1.5x1.1x1.6
[Village★6] Advanced: The Field's a Stage13344 HPx1.4x4.8x0.85x1.6x1.3x1.6
[Guild★3] Flames of Glavenus Passion13344 HPx1.25x1.26x0.95x1.25x1x1.2
[Guild★3] Bladed Glavenus13344 HPx1.25x1.26x0.95x1.25x1x1.2
[Guild★3] An Early Jurassic Excursion12420 HPx1.1x1.29x0.95x1.1x1x1.2
[Guild★6] Duel in the Volcanic Hollow15720 HPx1.6x2.65x0.85x1.6x1.3x1.6
[Guild★6] From Beyond the Sands15720 HPx1.6x2.65x0.85x1.6x1.3x1.6
[Guild★6] A Hollow Defense14136 HPx1.35x2.7x0.85x1.6x1.25x1.6
[Guild★7] Hammer vs. Blade14400 HPx1.4x3.25x0.85x1.6x1.3x1.6
[Guild★7] Bewitching Heat14400 HPx1.4x3.25x0.85x1.6x1.3x1.6
[Guild★7] The Flames of War14136 HPx1.35x3.25x0.85x1.6x1.25x1.6
[Guild★7] Savage Sword of the DesertHYPER18360 HPx1.95x4.3x0.8x1.85x2x1.8
[Guild★7] The Beasts of BrawnHYPER15456 HPx1.6x4.4x0.85x1.6x1.3x1.6
[Special Permit] Stonefist VIII: Hunt15192 HPx1.6x3.8x0.85x1.6x1.3x1.6
[Special Permit] Crystalbeard VIII: Hunt15192 HPx1.6x3.8x0.85x1.6x1.3x1.6
[Special Permit] Hellblade X: Hunt15588 HPx1.7x4.8x0.85x1.6x1.5x1.6
[Event] Flames of Savagery at USJ14928 HPx1.5x2.3x0.85x1.5x1.2x1.6
[Event] Blazing Thunder at USJHYPER17832 HPx1.9x6.1x0.8x1.8x1.9x1.7
[Event] Frost and Fire at USJ15192 HPx1.6x3.8x0.85x1.6x1.3x1.6
[Event] The Five Kings of DestructionHYPER17832 HPx1.9x6.1x0.8x1.8x1.9x1.7
[Event] Event: Slay a Glavenus14400 HPx1.5x2.5x0.85x1.5x1.15x1.3
[Event] Event: Endurance Quest 3HYPER11760 HPx1.5x3x0.85x1.5x1.15x1.3
[Event] Event: Endurance Quest 411760 HPx1.5x2.5x0.85x1.5x1.15x1.3
  1. Monster Hunter Generations Walkthrough
  2. Monster Hunter Generations G Rank Key Quests 3

Monster Hunter Generations Walkthrough


Monster Hunter Generations G Rank Key Quests 3

Your Hunter Rank, abbreviated by HR, is essentially your “level” in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.To raise your HR, you'll need to complete the Key Quests (basically the 'main' quests), which. Apr 25, 2016  MHGen: With out G rank, what is late game like? I thought half the reason why people love MH4U and 3U is the late game Grank quests and hunts. Copy putty sessions. Since Cross/Generation isn't going to have G rank, what is late game?