Toontown Rewritten Beta Key Generator
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- Toontown Rewritten Update Launcher
- Toontown Rewritten Beta Key Generator 2017
- Toontown Rewritten Beta Key Generator Online
- Toontown Rewritten Beta Key Generator 2
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Dec 04, 2013 Toontown Rewritten is a free-to-play revival of Disney's Toontown Online. Create your own Toon and join the battle to save Toontown from the evil robot Cogs. Thank you very much for giving away beta keys for old toon town people, this will really help in the future for people who missed Toon town, and want to see one it looks like still, i. Our ToonTown Rewritten Alpha Key Giveaway is used to get into the game instantly, no need for Playtime Plan or PlayLine, All you have to do is complete these simply steps above to get your ToonTown Rewritten Alpha Key Giveaway and enter into the game, you can even get many ToonTown Rewritten Alpha Key Giveaway for you and your friends, so you all enter into the game and have fun!
- Sep 29, 2014 Toontown Rewritten is based on the old, now-closed game, Toontown Online, which was made in like 19-I mean 2003. At that time, a time when gameboys were cool and buying CDs was a hobby, games traditionally used the arrow keys as movement.
- Toon Name Generator. What would your name be if you were a toon? Well you should see! Type in your name! Which generation do you belong to? Greatest Generation (before 1946) Baby Boomer (1946-1964) Generation X (1965-1984) Millennial (1982-2004) Generation Alpha (2005 till now).
- Feb 08, 2014 I don't want Toontown Rewritten to be anything less than perfect. I know on the Toontown Rewritten site they mentioned that they are near the end of Alpha, and that's a good thing! Because once they start Beta more keys will be given out! You and I could get a key this time around!
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The Countdown to Beta
Posted by The Toontown Team on May 10, 2014 at 2:00 PM
You know, our marketing team told us not to reference 'The Final Countdown' in any of our posts again. The Big Wigs are stressing out about the legal rights, and marketing says that pop culture references are so 90s. It was then when we realized that our marketing team was entirely composed of sentient cogs and were immediately fired on the spot. I'll reference catchy songs any time I want, mind you!
Now, break out the Europe CDs and prepare to have it stuck in your head for an entire week, because this isn't any ordinary countdown. It isn't a countdown, either. This is the Countdown to the Countdown of Toontown Rewritten Beta!
You heard it right, fellas. For the next week we're going to be doing Daily Update posts to give you a clear view of what's to come in this first version of Toontown Rewritten Beta. We have list of release notes longer than a blog post, and boy are we excited to talk about them. Numerous advancements have been made not only for servers and optimization, but also a boatload of new content.
To wrap it all up, at the end of the week we're going to be hitting it off with the announcement of the Beta Release Date, as well as the start of something you've all been itching to hear about for a long time: The Beta Key Giveaways! All of next week we will be giving out plenty of keys to go around through our website, and existing players will be able to get their friends into Beta by earning keys through testing. It's going to be a lot of fun for everyone, and we have some exciting plans for it.
Be sure to stop by every day this week at update time to keep up with the Daily Updates and get all of the juicy details on what's to come. These aren't any ordinary Daily Updates, though. We couldn't cram all of the content into one Super Saturday, so every day will have an update the size of a Super Saturday! Beta is just around the corner, and we are all just as excited as you are. It's time to get this game going!
Sorry! Comments are closed.
Awesome! I can't wait to play! Good luck to everyone on those Beta Key giveaways!
Schweet! Can't wait to fight the VP again!
Neato! I hope I get one!
Ooh.. I can't wait for those Beta Keys!
Toontown Rewritten Update Launcher
I'm ready.. Bring on the BETA!
This is building up all of the excitement, no matter what this will be completely epic!
I'm so excited! I'm still thinking of what I'm going to name my new toon..
Super excited! Sucks we have to restart and everything but that'll make it more fun to watch all our toons grow again.
Thank all the TTR crew for putting in your time to bring Toontown back to us.
Its been really long and I've been thinking hard. You have been very kind to rewrite toontown, For a lot of people cared for toontown ever so dearly. Everyone wishes for beta keys but why can't you just give them out to everyone. Everyone clearly deserves it because Disney shut down three major games Pirates of The Caribbean, Toontown, and Pixie hollow. I was a MAJOR fan of these games and wish for everyone to play toontown rewritten at the same time. I hope you understand.- Sincerely,Pepsi, Your Inspired Fan
Wow, this was my first online game I ever played at 13 years old. Once I heard it was gone I felt an unwavering sadness.. Thank you guys for bringing life back to my childhood. Can't wait for beta!
I wish it was here already.. So excited!
I can't wait to get a beta key! I have waited a long time for this moment. Good luck everytoon
This is great, good luck to everyone on the Beta Key giveaways!
When I read about the beta release date, I yelled in my head, 'YUS!'
Getting huge nostalgia trips from watching thse videos. Need to play.
Awesome! Your guys' work has not gone unnoticed, and we all are appreciative of what you do. It's great to see someone working for the pleasure of others, and not demand something in return. Thank you, and I cannot wait for TTRW to release.
Beta Keys?! Already?! You guys are doing an awesome job and I am so glad to hear that Beta is just around the corner! Or the corner after that..
This is something I've been really itching for.. Bring on the beta so we can wipe out the Cogs again!
I must thank you and the entire TTR team for doing all of this work. If only it could be an open beta, then everyone could play; but as you know that would definitely crash the servers.Good luck to all in their goal of getting a Beta Key!
Hey, that means we can get on again. Well, hopefully anyway. I can't wait!!!
I miss Toontown so bad D: Can't wait!

Oh man, this just got me super pumped!
Oh, that is awesome.
Hmmm.. Can you make a promo thing for the people who don't have any friends who play the game? Like, they could sign up or something. Thanks. :)
I cannot stand the suspense any longer!
So excited, those cogs are about to meet their worst nightmare!
Oh, how the good times have been and gone.. and how they are coming back. All of my friends and I follow this game so closely, a lot of them I didn't even know played ToonTown. I hope you guys can bring us back together again!
This is going to be amazing! I can't wait, good luck to all the developers during the beta!
Hoping the game releases sooner than its projected at :P Can't wait to play. Hope lots of people get keys to start playing now!
I've been waiting for this moment since original closed.
I know you're not going to post this but, how long will it take until ToonTown can come out for everyone.
Sitting on the edge of my seat, so exciting!
Awwwww snap! Can't wait for those beta keys, good luck to everyone out there!
Got me really excited, I really hope I can get my hands on one of those keys! Good luck everyone!
Great! I can't wait to play ToonTown again! I hope I win. Good luck everyone!
Can't wait to play! Really hoping for a Beta Key, would definitely make my whole month! Good luck everyone.
I can't tell you how happy the revival of toontown has made me. And it's completely free. I love you guys. Seriously.
Yay! I just got back from Disney world, so this is awesome news to be coming back too! (Oh the irony of going to Disney.)
Yay! I can't wait! I hope I get a key :) Thank you so much to everyone that's working on this, you guys are the best! <3Bring it on Beta!!
I can't handle the anticipation!
Sweet! I'm looking forward to it.
Very Good! I really want to play now, i will explode when i say the game is out
I can't wait! This is gonna be the most coolest thing EVER! -does Toon Dance- oh yea ahuh oh yea ahuh BOOSH!
Can't wait to play its gonna be the best!
I honestly can`t thank you guys enough. Toontown was my favorite game as a child, and it brought me happiness, and I'm glad you guys are remaking Toontown to share the happiness with others who still want to play.
Whoo! cant wait really looking forward to those beta key giveaways
Good luck to all getting the keys, and thanks to TTR for remaking the game!
I simply cannot wait. Looking forward to playing again soon. Keep up the good work!
I hope I get one, too. I missed playing it.
You're right,Shadow.I was sad to see it close. I hear they're already adding new features,like the snowball fight.
Wow, you have gone so far, right now your doing a wonderful job! Can't wait to use all of these gags again! Also I'm desperate to do the CEO! Good Job TTR and keep up the good work!
Yay keys, I hope I get one :D
I am extremely excited to be able to play Toontown again. Hope the Beta Testing goes through well and good luck to everyone who receives a Key (including me hopefully)!
I stopped playing this game during the summer of last year and was sad to find out that the game was closing. I just want to thank the people working on bring the game back to life for taking time out of their busy schedule and be able to recreate wonderful childhood memories that we all shared. You guys are truly amazing.
Awesome I can't wait. I miss toontown so much :)
Those child memories are coming mamba know this is making me cry
Awesome! I can't wait to play the game. Good luck all on the beta giveaway!
I couldn't be any more excited if this post came with ice cream, hot fudge and extra cherries on top too! Bestest, bestest, bestest almost birthday present (May 30!) ever for me and my favorite ToonTown Player (the soon to be 8 year old (May 30!) nephew who got me hooked!) Thank you for keeping our tiny ToonTown dream alive!
I an SOOOO excited to play! How do we sign up for a beta key giveaway?
Gotta get those 131 laff again! Oh well, it'll be fun!
C to the a to the n to the to the n to the o to the t CANNOT Wait for public see you all toons former toons that played tt :D
Everything is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was from the Lego Movie in case you didn't watch it
Wow that's awesome! can't wait till Beta!
Yay! Cant wait for the fun to start again! Good Luck to everyone in :D
When I hear that Toontown music for the first time I'm going to literally cry of happiness!
Oh my gosh! I can't wait! If I get one, I'd scream at the top of my lungs and bounce around! Oh this is going to be a great weekend!

I`m so excited for this !
Toontown Rewritten Beta Key Generator 2017
that sounds super cool man, cant wait
Oh! I was so sad when TT shut down, and now I'm so pleased to hear that it's coming back! I'm excited to come and play again, good luck to everyone! <3
AH!!!!!! I am so excited! Toontown was my childhood and I miss playing it so, SO much! I wish it was still around.. GREAT JOB YOU GUYS!
Finally!!! I've been with Toontown Rewritten since the very beginning and can't believe how much progress everyone has made! I'm so excited or Toontown Beta I can't wait to start playing!!
Yay! I can't wait :D
Toontown Rewritten Beta Key Generator Online
Can't wait! :)
Toontown Rewritten Beta Key Generator 2