Vmware Error Generating Ssh Key Fingerprint


The basic idea: By using plink and prepending echo y I would force to store the host key in the registry (SoftwareSimonTathamPuTTYSshHostKeys), read the key and then compute the fingerprint. Then I would store the fingerprint in my app's configuration and undo the changes in the registry. However, I don't know how to compute the fingerprint. Instead of generating the keys externally and uploading them, you can create the keys on the ESXi host and download them. See VMware Knowledge Base article 1002866. Enabling SSH and adding SSH keys to the host has inherent risks and is not recommended in a hardened environment. See Disable Authorized (SSH) Keys.

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'Fingerprint cannot be generated' and other SSH key problems

Ssh To Vmware Host

My problem is that I can't add an SSH key or Deploy key without Fingerprint has already been taken and Fingerprint cannot be generated errors.

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The full story is a little complex, but something like this: I did once successfully add an SSH key to my new account, then couldn't successfully add a Deploy key. After many struggles, I deleted my SSH key in an attempt to 'start clean.' At that point, I was unable to even add a newly-generated SSH key. After generating a few new keys and failing to get those to work, I deleted my GitLab.com account altogether and remade it.

After remaking my account, I'm still unable to add newly-generated SSH or Deploy keys without Fingerprint has already been taken and Fingerprint cannot be generated errors.

I'm generating my SSH keys on a Debian system withssh-keygen -t rsa -C '[email protected]' and carefully making sure that there are no newlines, extra spaces or missing characters in what I'm pasting into the web UI.

The SSH keys I'm pasting start with ssh-rsa and end with the email address associated with my GitLab.com account.

This is all regarding my bland328 account and my single private project, which is currently empty.

I've searched for help, and do find references to people experiencing similar problems and fixing it by manually deleting orphaned key data from the database, which I obviously can't do as a user of Gitlab.com.

Is there something I'm missing with regard to key management? Or some good way to properly reset things or otherwise work around this?

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To enable design management, you'll need to meet the requirements. If you need help, reach out to our support team for assistance.

You can use vSphere Certificate Manager to generate Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs). Submit those CSRs to your enterprise CA or to an external certificate authority for signing. You can use the signed certificates with the different supported certificate replacement processes.

Vmware Workstation Ssh

  • You can use vSphere Certificate Manager to create the CSR.
  • If you prefer to create the CSR manually, the certificate that you send to be signed must meet the following requirements.
    • Key size: 2048 bits or more
    • PEM format. VMware supports PKCS8 and PKCS1 (RSA keys). When keys are added to VECS, they are converted to PKCS8.
    • x509 version 3
    • If you are using custom certificates, the CA extension must be set to true for root certificates, and cert sign must be in the list of requirements.
    • CRL signing must be enabled.
    • Enhanced Key Usage can be either empty or contain Server Authentication.
    • No explicit limit to the length of the certificate chain. VMCA uses the OpenSSL default, which is 10 certificates.
    • Certificates with wildcards or with more than one DNS name are not supported.
    • You cannot create subsidiary CAs of VMCA.

      See the VMware knowledge base article at http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2112009, Creating a Microsoft Certificate Authority Template for SSL certificate creation in vSphere 6.0, for an example using Microsoft Certificate Authority.

vSphere Certificate Manager prompts you for information. The prompts depend on your environment and on the type of certificate that you want to replace.

For any CSR generation, you are prompted for the password of the administrator@vsphere.local user, or for the administrator of the vCenter Single Sign-On domain that you are connecting to.


  1. Run the vSphere Certificate Manager. OS
  2. Select Option 2.
    Initially, you use this option to generate the CSR, not to replace certificates.
  3. Supply the password and the Platform Services Controller IP address or host name if prompted.
  4. Select Option 1 to generate the CSR and answer the prompts.
    As part of the process, you have to provide a directory. Certificate Manager places the certificate to be signed ( *.csr file) and the corresponding key file ( *.key file) in the directory.
  5. Name the certificate signing request (CSR) root_signing_cert.csr.
  6. Send the CSR to your enterprise or external CA for signing and name the resulting signed certificate root_signing_cert.cer.
  7. In a text editor, combine the certificates as follows.
  8. Save the file as root_signing_chain.cer.

Vmware Ssh Commands

What to do next

Ssh Key Generation

Replace the existing root certificate with the chained root certificate. See Replace VMCA Root Certificate with Custom Signing Certificate and Replace All Certificates.

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